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Happy Whale project and how to participate to Whale mapping

Writer's picture: Virginie WyssVirginie Wyss

Updated: Jan 20

Working with cetacean is a dream job but it's not so easy to get a position as there is lots of competition for few places... Happy Whale is an easy solution to become a marine caretaker and help save the Whales!

Lets me explain... Association, Research, Universities and Foundation are often struggling with money and fundings and it's probably why many of them keep their data so preciously.

But to better understand whales we need a complete pictures of where they are, what they do and where they go.

Nowadays with new technologies and whale watching expansion, there is many possibilities to see whales and record their behavior implying that there is an enormous potential to learn more about a population and individual.

That's why I particularly like the happywhale project:

HappyWhale match your fluke for you
HappyWhale match your fluke for you

Happywhale tracks individual whales throughout our world's oceans. They believe that whale watching guides, naturalists and passengers are vital to the understanding of whales. Scientists can only be in one place at one time; by harnessing the power of millions of whale watching enthusiasts, we can expand our scientific knowledge exponentially.

Their platform empowers whale watchers to photograph whales and tell their stories.

To help to participate you just have to read the instruction, subscribe and then submit your whale pictures.

They are running the images through their ID system built in collaboration with scientists at Cascadia Research Collective and Allied Whale. If they find a match, they will tell you what they know about your whale. If you are the first Happywhale contributor to see a whale, congratulations! They will let you know that too.

Humpback whales matched in two places
Thanks to Zoltan Korai

Have a look to their website:


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